– How to Use – Peardeck Join Lesson

The PowerPoint deck is the uncontested king of classroom and school presentations. Yet, as instructors and presenters face increasing pressure to distinguish their classes, offer material in novel ways, and interact with students in ways that promote student learning, they want a more dynamic and enjoyable system. Join us as we go into the steps that it takes to properly set up a JoinPD Code the server so you are able to get begin right away if you’re seeking for a better method to educate utilizing technology. Pear Deck is a presentation platform that allows users to create presentations fast and effortlessly.

How to Use - Peardeck Join Lesson – How to Use – Peardeck Join Lesson

It is utilized for a wide range of reasons and may be used to all classes and institutions, including education, the workplace, and marketing. The Pear Deck discussions are useful, productive, and enjoyable. It is a wonderful tool for instructors who wish to inspire pupils via their teaching approaches; it also assists them in developing interesting classes. Furthermore, students may utilize this platform to supplement their studies or to share their expertise with people across the world via videos uploaded to the site.

When you link Pear Deck to Schoology, you may transform the time you spend at to an assignment. This implies that your students may join the Session on Schoology straight away, rather than needing to utilize a Join Code and Link like they’d do in a regular Pear Deck show Event. Schoology keeps the answers you get right there on the Sessions page, as it usually does, and you may also access things by means of the Teacher Dashboard, because also resides inside Schoology.

About The Perk Deck

Pear Deck is an instructional technology firm that provides K-12 schools and instructors with a web-based application. In 2014, Pear Deck was formed in the city of Iowa, Iowa. Pear Deck received $500,000 in startup investment in December 2014.At the Silicon Valley Awards, the firm received the “A fresh Startup of the Year” honor. Steve Case chose Pear Deck as the overall winner in the “Rising of Rest” contest in 2015.

It was also named a “Top Ten Educational Tool” by EdSurge and among the Village Capital, or EdTech 2015 program winner. Pear Deck expanded their sales staff to Kansas City in 2016.Pear Deck was bought by GoGuardian in November 2020.The corporation is well-known for its pear logo. The firm is a frequent Twitter user, using the medium to conduct prizes, provide recommendations, and publicize events.

How can I generate a JoinPD Code?

Teachers can attend a PD event in a few simple steps, but they will need a code, which can be obtained by following the procedures below:

  • Open a web browser and navigate to the JoinPD website or
  • Log in using your account information after you’ve been routed to the main website.
  • Scroll around the web page for the presentation’s section, and then click the Add-on option to build a presentation.
  • Tap the add-on button in the add-on menu.
  • Now, on the addon bar, visit the pear deck and install the PD add-on for free.
  • Choose one of the pre-existing templates that best meets your needs.
  • Create your presentation now.
  • When you’ve finished creating your presentation, click the ‘present with pear deck’ button.
  • The website will offer a 5-digit number once you click on this button.
  • You may distribute this code to learners and other participants.

How can I set up a Joinpd account?

  • joinpd is a Pear deck session code.
  • It is really simple to get into the pear deck. Follow the steps shown below to successfully establish your Pear Deck account.
  • Enter (Pear Deck) into your browser to access the official Pear Deck website. Please choose to sign up as a teacher after entering the URL.

How to Use - Peardeck Join Lesson

  •  Then you’ll be urged to create an account.
  • To proceed, simply click approve.
  • Then, choose the location where you wish to keep your data, which may be either a Google Drive accounts or one Drive. Simply log into the account you use for Gmail to accomplish this. Despite this, Google Drive is the most popular.

How to Use - Peardeck Join Lesson

  • Following that, you must answer some account-related questions. The persons who choose pupils do not have access to the data.
  • Where permission is required, click agree.

How to Use - Peardeck Join Lesson

  • Then, input the postal code for your school. You can also use the search box to look for the name of your school or institution. If your school name was not found in the list of choices or you lack a postal code, enter any five numbers. To proceed, click the submit button.
  • You are now prepared to participate in online lectures and sessions.

How to Join the Pear Deck Class

  • To begin, visit and sign in to the Pear Deck account.
  • Enter the five-character Pear deck number from your session on their website.
  • If you’re given a hyperlink to an active session, you may also join. Examine your email for any messages from your teacher concerning the session.
  • The session code is valid for one week.
  • An the film avatar an email address, and a user name and password for a Google or Office 365 by Microsoft account are required to join the session anonymously.

How to Use - Peardeck Join Lesson

  • If you have premiums access, the Dashboard view displays a variety of options.
  • You may obtain directions to join at any moment by selecting the join button in the upper right side of the screen.
  • To join, press the red button.

Procedures for attending the class session via the link

  • To attend a webinar or session using a link or code, follow these steps:
  • Access the Pear deck account page and log in using your login information.

How to Use - Peardeck Join Lesson

  • To obtain the session link, check your professors’ email or contact information.
  • Select the invitation link.
  • You may use any browser to access it.

Joining Pear deck session JoinPD code

  • You may also use a code to attend groups and online presentations that professors have recreated. Please follow the instructions outlined below to join the session using join codes.
  • Visit You will be redirected to
  • Please log in to your user account.
  • To join the class, the website will request the access code.
  • You must enter a 5-digit code.
  • After that, select join to enter the session.

How Do I Login to a Pear Deck Session Using an Email?

  • Students can participate by providing an email address after creating or choosing a profile at or by clicking on the Sessions Attend Link on the website in question.
  • Their e-mail addresses and identities will be automatically logged alongside their answers (but will not be visible to other participants).
  • Teachers may use the TakeawaysTM assessment tool to scroll through each student’s responses and discover who left every answer. Students’ work can also be exported to a Google Doc for additional study.

How to Sign Up for Anonymously

To allow students to attend Pear Deck events without logging in, follow the steps below and then select OFF in the “Require student logins” section. Students can attend your Pear Deck events even if they do not have an email account. Students can join conferences in a concealed manner by creating an avatar or pseudonym. Students can watch the presentations and react to the questions despite the fact their real names will not be exposed.

Teachers can notice a prompt at the bottom indicating that students have created nicknames or avatars. This is an excellent way to relax in between courses. Teachers should propose pupils sign up for serious classes using their respective email addresses.

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How to Use JoinPD to Create and Display Slides – Peak Deck

  • Simply use Google presentations to generate the presentations you wish to show your class. Then, using the selections in the sidebar, add interactive components to each slide.
  • The advantage here is the fact that you can make any of your presentations interactive.
  • You have the option of entering text as well as a number. You may incorporate multiple-choice questions as well as interact with live internet pages. You can even draw replies and precisely drag a symbol to a slide, however this capability requires a premium membership.
  • You can show your slides once you have finished creating them. While presenting, you may make use of a variety of functions.
  • You may use the slide navigation to navigate to the next or subsequent slide. Any slide may be locked or unlocked. In the following window, you may access the teacher’s dashboard. While presenting, you may also make the slides full-screen.

Installing the Pear Deck for the Google Slides addition in a Google domain

Follow the instructions outlined below.

  • Navigate to the Google admin dashboard.
  • Select applications.
  • Choose apps from the Google Workspace store.
  • Add a program to the domains install list is selected.
  • In the Google Workspaces marketplace, look for the Pear Deck Slides Add-on and select it.
  • Click the Install Domain button.
  • Follow the prompts for domain-wide setup, and then provide data access to the selected deck for the Slides by Google add-on.
  • Reload the Google Workspace marketplace. You can now see that the domain installation has been completed.
  • Teachers may now use the Pear Deck section in Google Slides.

What exactly is Join Nearpod? [Another option to JoinPD]

Join Nearpod is like joinpd in that students may participate in various sessions and activities. Near pods can be distributed in a variety of ways by teachers, and students can engage from any device. Users of the pears deck and Nearpod may both create material to instruct and assess their pupils. Nearpod’s yearly subscription is less expensive than Pear Deck’s. Nonetheless, they both offer adequate capabilities in the basic package for a beginner user.

Advantages and disadvantages

While there are several advantages for learners as well as educators, there are also disadvantages. Let us examine the advantages and disadvantages:


  • It is simple to use.
  • It comes with a complimentary bundle.
  • Interaction between students and professors is enjoyable for both parties.
  • Teachers can make changes to their current presentations.
  • It may be used to communicate with pupils remotely.
  • It is simple to use and comprehend.
  • Export class information to Excel.


  • Low-level institutes may face difficulties since not every student can afford a cell phone or a laptop.
  • Smartphones make it tough to do activities such as painting.
  • There should be adequate checks and balances, which is a difficult task. Students may just attend session but are not present mentally in class.
  • If your join code expires, you will be unable to join the current session again with the exact same code.
  • The joinpd keyword is employed to join session that are no longer than a week in length.

Last Thought

Pear Deck is a well-known platform for teachers and students. They sought to apply this after watching the growth in online presentation teaching. Many consumers prefer to learn from online presentations. Using the Pear Deck, they may interact with both the instructor and the presenter at the same time. Furthermore, the Pear Deck has numerous wonderful features that require neither the instructor or students to have an account, especially on their website. They must use a Google as well Microsoft ID to sign in. Pear Deck, which is also connected with Slides by Google and Microsoft, as well as making presentations straightforward and painless. FAQS

  • Question:- Is Pear Deck available for free?

answer- Although the teachers may use it for free, some functions require a membership to be activated. If you must utilize such features, you must purchase the subscriptions.

  • Question:- How do I obtain the Pear Deck code?

answer- If you are a learner and wish to access a certain a meeting, you must obtain the code from the instructor. The code can be distributed to pupils by email or text message by the teacher.

  • Question:- Who Is Eligible to Use JoinPD?

answer- JoinPD is open to both instructors and students. Teachers may develop lectures, and students can study them by joining them through the website.

  • Question:- How many students may sign up for Peardeck?

answer- If you create an anonymous account, you will receive basic interactive questions as well as limitless interactive sessions. In addition, up to 30 people may participate.

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